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2018年3月20日,新泽西州林德赫斯特消息 – 爱美津制药有限公司(“爱美津”)今天宣布美国食品和药物管理局批准了其环磷酰胺胶囊25mg和50mg的简略新药申请。爱美津相信其简略新药申请是与West-Ward制药公司的美国参比制剂等效的首个获得批准的仿制药产品。爱美津的环磷酰胺胶囊是由位于加尼福尼亚州尔湾市的Staton制药股份有限公司生产的。爱美津的美国子公司爱美津制药股份有限公司期望该产品在近期上市。环磷酰胺是一种用于治疗多种癌症疾病的抗肿瘤药物。

Lyndhurst NJ, USA, March 20, 2018 — Amerigen Pharmaceuticals Limited (“Amerigen”) today announced that its Abbreviated New Drug Application (“ANDA”) for cyclophosphamide capsules 25mg and 50mg has received final approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Amerigen believes that its ANDA is the first to be approved as a generic equivalent to West-Ward Pharmaceuticals’ corresponding U.S. reference listed drug. Amerigen’s generic cyclophosphamide capsules are manufactured by Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Irvine, CA. Amerigen’s U.S. affiliate, Amerigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., expects to launch the product in the near future. Cyclophosphamide is an anti-neoplastic agent used in the treatment of various cancers.


关于爱美津 About Amerigen

Amerigen Pharmaceuticals is a group of companies engaged in all phases of the generic pharmaceutical business, with operations in the US and China. The group is controlled by Amerigen Pharmaceuticals Limited. The US regulatory and commercial activities within the group are conducted by Amerigen Pharmaceuticals Inc., based in Lyndhurst, NJ, USA. The group's Chinese subsidiary, Suzhou Amerigen Pharmaceutical Company Limited, is located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The group has products on the market currently in both the US and China plus an active portfolio of products under development, filed, or intended for filing, as ANDA's with the US FDA and the Chinese CFDA. Amerigen's focus is orally delivered products that are potential first generics, challenging to develop, require specialized technologies or high containment to manufacture, and present complex regulatory and intellectual property obstacles to bring to market. All Amerigen's products are developed and manufactured by the company or its partners around the world to meet the highest quality standards, including the US FDA.
